Our Services

1 to 1 personal training

With countless exercises and programmes all over the internet you might not recognise the need for personal training but there is a good reason you haven’t returned to that 10 minute YouTube abs workout you started a month ago. A personalised approach to your health is the safest way. Just as you won’t take medication that isn’t prescribed for you, why would you follow a fitness plan that isn’t specially made for you?

As standard practice, at Fit for Life your programme is tailored to you, your goals, likes, preferences, hobbies, abilities, personality and more. There is no copy and pasting of exercise programmes. We have an in-depth consultation which involves multiple health and fitness tests, plus a diet analysis to curate and truly personalise your fitness programme to your needs.

For a programme to suit you it has to evolve with you, hence, continuous monitoring and adjustment up to the point that it becomes part of your desired lifestyle and not something you have to worry about or dread, like some people’s Monday mornings.

This is the difference between going it alone and having an experienced and passionate professional guide who is fully invested in your progress.

Group Classes

We understand that a one man/woman journey can sometimes be daunting to some so we have curated a range of classes to suit as many goals as possible, not to mention the added peer motivation, affordability and fun aspect of training with friends.


Rolling Circuits

Mondays 7 to 9AM
All levels

A 40 minute circuit that encompasses almost all aspects of fitness and caters to all levels. This is an interval training style circuit which involves 10 × 3 minute work stations interlaced with 1 minute rest. It involves conventional weight training, cardio, functional, boxing, Muay Thai and more. It is a combination of personal and group training: you will be at each station on your own, but could be sharing the room with up to 5 others.


Women Only Wednesdays “WOW”

Wednesdays 6 to 7PM
All levels

A strength training class for women only. This class is catered to getting stronger muscles and joints hence involves the use of weights. This can also either lead to muscle growth or weight loss depending on one’s nutrition but will definitely improve the ease with which one can perform everyday activities.

Moves to Lift Your Mood

Friday 7 to 8PM
All levels (currently on hold till further notice)

A class that brings the club into the gym. Dance yourself fit with this class that sets a club mood, simple energetic follow along moves and groovy afrovibes music. The main fitness aspect is to improve cardio, coordination and mobility. It’s perfect for weight loss given your diet is angled that way.

Walk in the Park

Saturdays 9 to 10AM
All levels, FREE

Join us for a walk in the park. Dumbbells, ankle weights, resistance bands, wind bags, tutus, onesies, pets… whatever it is that you need to make your morning, bring it along to the morning walks. Laced with warm-ups, high-paced intervals, chants and stretches, there might not be a better way to start your Saturdays.